lunedì 26 novembre 2018


Elemento architettonico disposto orizzontalmente al di sopra dei due elementi. I Greci denominavano questo elemento "epistilio" (ἐπί "sopra" e στῦλος "colonna"). approfondimento) m (pl: architravi ). Definition of architrave - (in classical architecture) a main beam resting across the tops of columns, specifically the lower third entablature. IL PRIMO ARCHITRAVE ISOLATO BREVETTATO in cls armato rivestito da un involucro isolante in polistirene estruso Styrodur C.

We supply trade quality DIY and home improvement products at great. Large fragment of an architrave. Grande frammento di architrave. Material and technique: Marble.

Sulla parete della galleria è affisso un grande frammento di architrave marmorea proveniente dal tempio della Concordia nel Foro Romano, databile nel I sec. This is an unusual toy store, started by the man who owns the restaurant next door (a well-liked Needham establishment).

He is an architect, and " architrave " is.

DOCO International è pronta a presentarvi il nuovo sistema industriale con architrave ribassata (LHI). Il sistema è stato studiato specificatamente per situazioni. Da Bricoman acquista on line o in negozio! Caratteristiche del blocco e. Traduzione del vocabolo e dei suoi composti, e discussioni del forum.

Architrave specializes in custom home design. Traduzioni in contesto per " architrave " in italiano-inglese da Reverso Context: Tuttavia tempo che la mia spada verrebbe fermata da questa architrave. Mit Flexionstabellen, Aussprache und vielem mehr.

Easily share your publications. Limestone false-door and architrave of Ptahshepses: the architrave, which is carved in fine, detaile sunk relief, contains five lines of text consisting of standard.

All of our express range is supplied primed ready for finishing on site. Définitions Français: Retrouvez la définition de architrave. Dictionnaire, définitions, section_expression, conjugaison, synonymes, homonymes.

Greek architectural elements, including a Corinthian capital exhibiting the characteristic acanthus leaves. And how can I model architectural elements as shown in the attached.

Montaggio delle finestre, architrave.

Hebrew - Translation of architrave to Hebrew from Morfix dictionary, the leading online English Hebrew translation site, with audio pronunciation. The lowest part of an entablature, its ornamentation varies depending on the order. It can also refer to an ornamented lintel above a doorway.

The Greek term is epistyle. Il vantaggio di una porta rapida con struttura autoportante combinata con un pannello pieghevole resistente al vento.

Fitting the architrave to the doorframe As you know from earlier, an architrave is the piece of woodwork that surrounds a door or window and it is one of the. When stupas and trees are used to present Buddhas, on an architrave, the number of stupas and trees are not same in all carvings.

None of the architraves is.

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